
Mission Statement 

Origins  In 1990 weekend meetings were held in Selly Park for those who wished to explore the idea of Associates. This small seed took root and grew into the Associates of the Sisters of St. Paul. 

Who are the Associates? 

The Associates are a family of like-minded individuals with a shared vision to deepen faith and develop a spirituality rooted in the charism of the Sisters of St. Paul. Their vision was to share in the life, spirit and charism of the Congregation. 
Associates value the sisters as friends and as companions on the journey of faith. The Congregation, in turn, appreciates the Associates’ support, prayer and encouragement. 
Associates are well informed, aware of social issues, immersed in a spirituality rooted in Jesus' mission to reach out to the poor and the care of creation. People from all walks of life are welcome to join the Associates of the Sisters of St. Paul. 

Meetings  Each group of Associates is unique and may reflect a different aspect of their charism (gift) but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is always at its heart. 

Lectio Divina or Divine Reading is the reflective reading, listening, praying and sharing a Gospel passage. In an atmosphere of mutual respect and openness each person is allowed to hear with the ear of his/her heart, to listen, meditate and to seek ways to live the Word of God. 
Some may reflect on the life and mission of Geneviève Dupuis (Foundress) and relate to her zeal, enthusiasm and extraordinary faith. They glean much from her courage and resilience and realise that they too bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world through their prayer, life and outreach. 
There may be a “holistic” aspect to a meeting – Spirit, soul, and body so may include a little exercise! 
A cup of tea/coffee and a chat are integral parts of each meeting. 

Associates Groups 

The Selly Park Group (Birmingham, Coventry & Leamington) 
This group meet on a regular basis and continues to thrive. 
The core group meet during the year to plan retreat days and because of proximity to Selly Park they join the Sisters in celebrating special events, for example, feast days. 
҉ Greenhills, Dublin 


It is worth noting that while Associates may not be meeting formally, each person in his/her own way continue to live deeply the spirit of Associates. 

 Events  Over 40 Associates from all over Ireland attended the Associates Network Meeting on Saturday 12th October 2019 in Clonliffe College, Drumcondra, Dublin Speaker: Fr. Jim Campbell (Blessed Sacrament Father) Topic: "Associating ourselves with the Charisms of the Holy Spirit, we contribute to the Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ in the world". 

L – R Ellen O’Reilly, Sr. Mary Lyons, Ethna Meredith, Ida Kelly and Marjorie Mulvey 
Greenhills Associates 
Enjoying a cup of tea  
and some biscuits 
For more information contact: Sheila McAleese:  
Telephone: 02476 307647 
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